Emotions Run High (Or Low)


Emotions Run High (Or Low)

Does your mood fluctuate up and down? Are you an irritable person? Are your feelings easily hurt? Are you a worrier? Do you suffer with your“nerves”?  

Studies have shown that emotional instability is a significant factor inhibiting peak sporting performance. Whether or not or how well you respond to your coach, teammates or opponents depends to a fair degree on your emotional wellbeing. Clearly, the more “neurotic” you are, the less adaptable you are likely to be. 


Your Thinking Style Is Worth Thinking About


Your Thinking Style Is Worth Thinking About

“Coach always knows best!” 

Really? I’d say it depends.

What happens when we employ our mind-reading strategies and substitute them to be facts of life? Misunderstandings crop up and emotional mayhem ensues as a result. You’d be surprised at how many sports coaches and trainers jump to conclusions. Misattribute what’s happening in their interactions with athletes, thereby creating conflict and strife between them. 


“I love myself” is actually healthy!


“I love myself” is actually healthy!

“Know Thyself!” the ancient Roman dictum is as true now as it was then. Few athletes realize that they will never reach their full potential unless they have developed their maximum capacity for self-knowledge and self-love. This may sound strange to the ears of a competitive alpha-type sporting personality, for self-love is usually regarded as an undesirable trait, something that is best avoided. 
