NeuroSlam and the Resilience Code, the brainchild of Dr. Chad Prusmack, neurosurgical consultant to Superbowl champions, Denver Broncos, are collaborating on a project assessing early indicators of concussion and more generally, neurocognitive measures and training modules associated with sports.
Dr. Lenny Kristal traveled to Denver to launch the collaborative project hosted by Resilience Code’s Sally Crawford and Josh Hartman. Along with Chad and Lenny they were joined by NeuroSlam’s Prof. Mark Aoyagi, Gabi Whitmer and Lauren Ruhl. Prof. Artur Poczwardowski also attended and Matt Kwok and Dr. Aron Gonshor joined the meetings via WebEx.
NeuroSlam commenced saliva testing with MMA fighters at MUSCLE PHARM in Denver who will also complete ocular perimetry and neurocognitive assessments.
Gabi Whitmer and Dr. Lenny Kristal
Sally Crawford and Josh Hartman at Muscle Pharm